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Return To TopThe research project “Social aspects of digital intelligence” is carried out at the University of Pannonia.
Research on digital intelligence (competences and attitudes) has just started in our country, but it is also a slightly researched topic at international level. The use of digital tools can be approached in terms of technical skills and knowledge (digital competence), on the one hand, and in terms of the behaviour associated with the use of the tools (digital attitudes), on the other. An individual must be able to use digital tools productively and consciously for a given purpose. Digital attitudes refer to employee behaviour and attitudes towards the responsible use of available information and digital technology and the interaction with smart technologies. The greatest novelty lies in the measurement of standard digital intelligence, although some research has attempted to measure it, but international interpretation remains limited. A further benefit of the research is that it can map the digital intelligence of the domestic population and identify critical points. The results obtained may raise awareness in the educational environment (public and higher education) of the need to develop competences.
According to the European Union’s Digital Economy and Society Index (DESI 2022), only 49% of the population in Hungary has at least basic digital skills. The advent of new technologies has opened the door to many new opportunities but has raised many questions as well. The Global Standard for Digital Intelligence (DQ Institute) includes 24 digital competences, focusing on 8 critical areas of digital life. The Digital Intelligence Survey pays particular attention to the factors of digitalisation that negatively impact society. The research examines socio-demographic correlations, i.e. whether there are differences in the level of digital factors in terms of age (generation), education, work status (employed, manager, retired, etc.), whether typical problems can be identified.
The research aims to develop a unique digital intelligence assessment system and to conduct a representative survey of the Hungarian population in Hungary, which will provide guidelines for building a well-functioning digital society. The results of the research will help to manage the positive/negative effects of digitalization consciously and identify the factors for which the Hungarian population needs improvement. A digital intelligence assessment system that takes into account the specificities of Hungarian society will support the improvement of the level of economic well-being in Hungary. It will also ensure an increase in the level of security awareness of the members of society.