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Return To TopThe research project “Investigation of the official and social management of the appearance of wild animals in the interior areas” is carried out at the University of Miskolc.
Nowadays, the appearance of wild animals in residential areas is becoming more and more frequent, which in many cases can lead to damage. A distinction must be made between the appearance of huntable animals (wild boars, roe deer, red deer, foxes, badgers, nymphs) and the appearance and damage of protected animals (brown bear, gray wolf). In all cases, however, it is true that the citizens, the population and the municipalities were caught unexpectedly and unprepared by the encounter, which can often result in material damage (e.g. damage to gardens, fences, vehicles, farm animals, etc.).
The system of compensation and the determination of the exact number of wild animals by the authorities are not efficient and do not provide real data, in light of which no realistic action plan has yet been developed. We would like to offer comprehensive solutions to this problem, primarily to local governments and the local population.
The primary objective of the research is to set up a monitoring system for the detection of wildlife in populated areas, thereby enabling the development of an action plan for the relevant public administration bodies (municipalities, police, hunting authorities, nature conservation, national park directorates).
Balázs SZABÓ assistant professor (University of Miskolc)