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Return To TopThe research project “Planned community development in primary and secondary schools using the SMETRY method” is carried out at Eötvös Loránd University (2022 – 2023).
The SMETRY method is an ICT-based toolkit based on Mérei’s multi-aspect sociometry, which includes the sociometric data collection using ICT tools, the multi-aspect software analysis of the collected data and the specific methodology for everything from training the participants to the feedback of the results. The SMETRY method can be used from pre-school to secondary school to understand the social structure of communities of children of different ages and composition.
The aim of this project is to develop 30-hour in-service teacher training that will primarily support professionals working with upper secondary and secondary school age groups in the design of data-based support for the communities of children they educate. The use of the SMETRY methodology is a key part of this process, as it provides an objective picture of the social structure of the communities and enables the professionals concerned to set community development goals. The SMETRY method also allows the concerned professionals to assess the extent to which they have achieved their community development objectives after the training.
The project will train practitioners to contribute to more effective, data-based, participatory and community-building work in schools, and to ethical, child-friendly practices in sociometric data collection. The aim of the training is to support teachers in creating a safe, accepting and inclusive community and atmosphere for all learners that supports their emotional development. In this way, the research will contribute to the role of public education in preparing children for community life and cooperation at work. A positive social climate also provides a good basis for higher academic performance.
Ágota SZEKERES assosicate professor (ELTE Bárczi Gusztáv Faculty of Special Needs Education)