Experimental development projects

With the support of experimental developments projects (min. 40) until 2026, innovative models, products and services will be tested in real environments, settlements, regions, and institutional systems. The projects also receive professional help from our mentor network.

The purpose of the experimental developments is to test and to examine the applicability of methods or activities that help solve the targeted social problem. The implement provides an opportunity to finance the social innovation development costs of external actors. The implementation of the pilot programme is closely linked to the organisation and operation of a mentor network.



Active, argument-based (debating) social dialogue is not part of domestic municipal practices. Consequently, many internal human resources (knowledge, creative ideas, connections, etc.) that could contribute to the development of the settlement remain hidden. This is often due not so much to a lack of motivation but to a lack of knowledge about methods and tools, especially in smaller communities. The goal of this development is to create and validate methods that municipalities can also use to involve local citizens, activate them, gather their opinions and suggestions, and encourage their participation in development processes. The project specifically aims to develop tools that are well-suited for the preparation and implementation of grant projects, as well as for creating town planning documents. Contact: Márton Beke


This project aims to establish a complex developmental model built on two pillars: wrestling and music. The distance between these two fields underlines the strength of a holistic developmental approach, opening up numerous possibilities. The target groups are kindergarten children in their final year and first graders. The goal is to assist disadvantaged children in transitioning to school, helping to offset their disadvantages. Through activities, children assess their abilities, understand the limits of cooperation, gain experiences, and acquire knowledge – all through play, their primary activity. Music and movement are fundamental pillars of human learning. This program provides children living in segregated areas with structured access to artistic education and sports activities, enabling them to develop while taking their first steps in formal education. With the skills acquired, they will be better prepared to meet the requirements of the first grade.
Contact: Dávid Berkeszi


The aim of this project is to create an innovative community space where acts of kindness can operate within micro and macro communities. With digitalization, such services can even be extended globally – from dog walking and lawn mowing to online language lessons. The plan is to establish a platform where only trustworthy individuals genuinely aiming to positively impact society would participate, based on community feedback. Kind acts received need not be reciprocated to the same person but will initiate a positive cycle, creating win-win situations for community members.
Contact: Zsuzsanna Czafit


In our country, sexual education is not part of teacher training, even though sexuality is often a topic among young people in schools, continuously creating situations that educators cannot ignore. This experimental project offers a four-part interactive workshop series for high school teachers, equipping them with the tools needed to plan and conduct similar sessions for their students. The workshops address issues such as gender roles, love and sexuality, pornography, equal relationships, relationship violence, sexual violence, and victim protection. Besides providing methodological knowledge, the program’s personal presence allows for attitude formation, social dialogue among teachers, and the confrontation of differing viewpoints, thereby reinforcing educators’ commitment to applying the program in schools.
Contact: Melinda Gemza


In this project a new conflict management training method for healthcare professionals is developed, focusing on the most current topics (e.g., organizational conflicts, teamwork, digitalization, burnout, and work-life balance). The training, based on international and interdisciplinary research, is unique as it incorporates real conflict situations from over 250 healthcare environments. Moreover, it employs unique techniques that address embodied emotions and experiences in conflicts, helping participants process these effectively. In addition to situational exercises, the training includes spatial elements, LEGO-building tasks, and self-validation schema exercises, aiding in recognizing, understanding, and resolving conflicts. This training introduces new perspectives and tools to enhance conflict management skills among healthcare professionals, contributing to more effective teamwork and positively impacting both patient care and the well-being of caregivers.
Contact: Dr. Ágnes Kuna


CogHelp is an interactive development and learning tool designed for people with intellectual disabilities to help improve cognitive skills, thereby fostering social integration and independence. The project aims to provide over 50,000 affected individuals in Hungary with accessible, personalized learning opportunities through a modular structure. The tool offers various modules to develop everyday skills, such as visual recognition, money management, and life skills. Playful learning and experience-based feedback ensure continuous motivation, allowing users to progress at their own pace. The project emphasizes market validation, thorough research into user needs, and a sustainable business model. Future plans include launching a pilot program with various institutions and expanding to the international market.
Contact: Balázs Laki


The “SkillJump” project on competency-based knowledge utilization in the SME sector aims to support companies in adapting to technological advancements and the spread of AI. In response to this complex social challenge, the project is developing a methodology, a competency knowledge map, and a competency market concept that reveals and maps the hidden and existing skills of employers and employees, facilitating effective collaboration. An IT platform will be created within the project framework, providing precise measurements and data on skills. The resulting competency market will connect stakeholders interested in expertise based on professional competencies. This social innovation product will enable job placement and staffing agencies to offer positions based on competency alignment, helping to make work more predictable and efficient in today’s evolving workforce landscape.
Contact: Annamária Tóth



During the project the development of a voluntary community work incentive system aimed at involving young people is realized, which is also motivating for young people, while being easy to use and reducing bureaucracy, increasing customer interactions and marketing success of local businesses. The system is a mediating medium and a set of experimental community actions, in pursuance of participation of young people in community building is encouraged with crypto tokens that can be redeemed at local businesses. The pilot project helps to find a way to bring together the community of a region, settlement, neighborhood. The pilot project will be based in the town of Cegléd.

Contact: Dávid SZEBENI


The project aims to develop an innovative methodology to support the further education and training of athletes who have completed their secondary school studies. In connection with further education an individual competence and interest assessment is necessary, the peculiarities of the individual’s sports career and the specific characteristic of the sport must be examined, as well as soft factors that are not directly related to decision-making process about further education, but which significantly influence success. For example, family and financial background, human relationships, ties to the settlement and the sports clubs etc. The expected result of the project is the development of a methodology that can be adapted to the decision-making mechanism of other athletes and other clubs related to further education. As a result of the educational process, the athlete is helped to make the most effective decision regarding further education. The important value of the innovation is that the education covers not only the athlete, but also the environment that plays a role in his/her decision, for example the sports club, the coaches and the parents / family. Thanks to the education, those involved will be able to apply the knowledge they have acquired to other athletes as well, and will approach the question of further education in a new way.

Contact: Attila NÉMETH


With the participation of Rural Bt., HUN-REN Research Center and the small producers of the Balaton Uplands a social and technological innovations are being developed that promote the more efficient work of small producers and support the development of short food chains. One of the key results of the work is the FELIROM.HU web application, which supports the registration, data collection and analysis processes of small producers. Tracking inputs, inventory and sales is a significant challenge for small producers, which can hinder business planning and compliance of regulatory requirements. The easy-to-use web application efficiently manages not only production processes, but also recipes, packaging materials and sales. In case of controlling data is quickly accessible, ensuring traceability and food safety. After longer-term data collection the producer gets complex information about his/her own business, which can significantly help business planning. FELIROM.HU was launched at the Short Supply Chain EXPO on 29 February 2024 and is currently undergoing testing and further development.

Contact and registration: www.felirom.hu


The project of Változó Világért Alapítvány (Foundation for a Changing World) is based on the hypothesis that new opportunities can be opened up in order to more effectively inform the population of the settlement by generating the cooperation of organizations with similar goals and thus having similar interests in a settlement. The model field was the development of cooperation between the sports organizations and sports service providers operating in Szombathely and encouraging them to think together. It was also possible to involve the smaller and larger actors of the city’s sports clubs, as well as the head of the Institute of Sport Sciences (ISS) at Eötvös Loránd University and the leader who is responsible for the sports field of the city. Many demands and possible directions of cooperation were defined, including short-term and longer-term development ideas. As a direct output, a summary website presenting the sporting opportunities of the city – “SPORTKALAUZ in Szombathely” – is about to be launched. In addition, based on the ideas, the concept of an event – so called Sportbörze – was completed which provides the personal introduction of sports organizations. The execution of this was also undertaken as a model by the foundation.

Contact: www.valtozovilagert.hu


In the framework of the project, we develop and validate new methods for strengthening mixed-ethnic local communities, primarily by exploring and making visible local built environmental values ​​and cultural heritage. With the new innovation methods, the recognition, appreciation and care of local values ​​become the basis for the strengthening of local identity. In the long term, this becomes a deeply affecting community-building and local-holding power. In the course of formation of attitudes by means of the activation process, we incorporate new methods of knowledge sharing into the experience-oriented, game-based educational process in order to increase engagement and involvement. We chose a socially mixed village – made up of natives and immigrants – in the Balaton Uplands with a rich cultural history, as the location of the project.

Contact: https://www.konszenzus.org/


The project builds on the successful adaptation and application of community coaching. Norbert Képes has been working in Bábonyibérc for years, in the lagging district of Miskolc, where they were able to achieve significant results through community coaching. Dozens of community actions, public discussions, the creation of a community centre and the creation of a formal organization are also result of the work done together with the locals. Within the framework of the six-month-long experimental development, the development of community coaching know-how, the introduction of the program as a curriculum and the dissemination of the method are realized. The members of the Self-Help Community of Bábonyibérc are given the main role in the implementation, the implementation of the program is based on their active participation and their direct experience. The joint work is supported as a cooperating partner by the University of Miskolc – Institute of Applied Social Sciences. Among the future goals is to start developments in more and more segregates, following the steps of the experience model developed in the current project.

Contact: Norbert KÉPES


The aim of the project is to contribute to strengthening the attitude and sense of competence of 8-10-year-old girls towards mathematics by developing a drama pedagogy program. During the development period, a script for a workshop series consisting of six sessions will be prepared, which will be implemented in classroom conditions. Be also a number queen! project offers a drama-pedagogical response to the social challenge that, starting at the age of 12, the turning away of girls from the field of mathematics can be continuously felt, which significantly hinders their application in the so-called STEM (scientific and technological disciplines) professions. The professional partners are Sixagon Non-Governmental Ltd. and the Equalizer Foundation.

Contact: Eszter Gerda MIKLÓS


The demand for private lessons and the services of human development specialists and helpers is constantly increasing, not only in Hungary, while little concrete information is known about this sector. Paying high prices is becoming more and more problem for families, and for helping professionals, the viability of their businesses is threatened by keeping prices low, while this is also suggested by their sense of social responsibility. Helpers work alone in the market sector, even though this also creates limits due to professional cooperation needs. TAPASZ is a program which builds on the above difficulties and opportunities as driving forces, creating a community between developers, helpers, deprived and solvent families and educational and support institutions. This social process innovation started in Kispest, documents and shares the results on how teachers can prepare themselves for social entrepreneurship issues, with workable business models, to support the widest possible strata.



The experimental development aims to mitigate and resolve the effects of social crisis syndromes at the individual level, which have arisen due to the disruption of the balances of the currently experienced social, economic and cultural processes and the global questioning of the values ​​related to them. As a tool for this, using the basic tool system of Indian yoga traditions, as well as the elements of modern psychology, sociology and exercise therapy, etc. in an integrative and interdisciplinary approach.

Contact: László TÓTH-SOMA, PhD 


The innovation of the methodological knowledge repository created during the pilot project lies in the understanding of the various operational elements and their management principles, as well as in their efficient, complementary interconnection structure. In order to create more than just a recipe book, the association provides individual adaptation mentoring, operates an experience-sharing cooperation network and professional development programs. With 25 years of experience in social entrepreneurship and extensive domestic and international partnerships, the creators of the knowledge repository dependably represent the cause of domestic social farms. The new initiatives that join offer not only a methodology, but also additional incubation assistance for their development with mentoring support. During the period of the pilot project, 10 new initiatives will receive professional mentoring and preparation for the creation of their portfolio at their own location, at the Symbiosis Foundation. Trademarking also opens up additional perspectives in the field of PR, as well as international visibility and fundraising.

Contact: László JAKUBINYI



The Szimbiózis Alapítvány (Symbiosis Foundation) implements tourism program packages at the Baráthegyi Majorság Social Farm in Miskolc employing people with disabilities in various positions (from catering to animation in 10 positions). The essence of transformational tourism is to create an interactive environment that provides for the users the opportunity to gain an experimental-based experience (companies, families, educational institutions). With the development of the ecotourism platform a new, sustainable social business segment is emerging within the framework of the foundation. Placing people with disabilities in value-creating roles results a positive image transfer that can break down negative stereotypes. The project can also contribute to the spread of inclusive pedagogical methods and to an increase in the number of inclusive workplaces. During the validation of the services, 250 students from 10 educational institutions are welcomed in 6 thematic picnics. Another uniqueness of the project is that the program packages were developed by international MBA students as part of a Pro Bono academical social enterprise development group task.

More about: https://szimbiozis.net/  L


The CédrusNet Egyesület (CédrusNet Association) has launched a new social model experiment called “Local Innovation Management Model Project (LIMM)”. The cooperative partner of the association is the Szolnok County Municipality, which, with its decision to join, assumed a pioneering role not only in the region, but also nationwide. The project aims to the prepare settlements to receive and plan for social innovation through the challenges associated with an aging society. The pilot programme is being led as a learning process. Tools and methods are learned and tested, as a result the municipality prepares to support local social innovation processes. An innovation working group is created, trainings are organized, projects are developed, and a social innovation guide for municipalities is prepared.

More about: https://cedrusnet.hu/


In the project of Életfa Kulturális Alapítvány (The Tree of Life Cultural Foundation) the sustainability model of the KOLLABOR Science Experience Centre is created – developing it into an innovation incubator and multiplying it. The basis of the operation of the experience centre is building on empirical learning based on experience and creative pedagogy that arouse curiosity and motivation. Development process in headlines:1.   experience-based learning – where curiosity and motivation appear – 2.   the curiosity is a consequence of age-specific research – where the teaching plan is replaced by the learning/research plan – 3.   the discovery is a consequence of research, the feeling of “opening up the world”, which accompanied by an explosion of motivation. This process provides the basis for phase 4, which is value creation. A self-care workshop is implemented – the participants get to know the methodology of bringing success of socially useful, relevant ideas and can apply it in their own lives. The hackathon based on the workshop provides an opportunity to summarize the acquired knowledge, to raise it to a higher level, and to prepare for implementation.This is followed by mentoring of the best teams – selected projects will reach the prototype phase. The process is monitored, evaluated and this measurement react to the operational model. In conclusion KOLLABOR operational manual and business plan will be completed.